Sunday, April 28, 2013

Devin's 3rd Birthday Letter from Mommy

Dear Devin,

From the moment that you were born, I focused on what was next, waiting to see your first smile, first time rolling over, waiting for you to begin crawling, first words, and first steps. Now I don't feel that way at all. It's  a completely different feeling all together, in one way I'm so happy and excited to see all of your upcoming accomplishments, but in another way, I'm constantly reminded that you aren't a baby anymore, you are a growing BOY and I think it's the fact that I'm not needed in the same way I once used to be. And It's definitely bittersweet  seeing you become a year older on your big day. 

In thinking of this past year leading up to your third birthday, I can think of so many wonderful memories that I will forever cherish, and everyday has been a learning adventure (for us both) Our biggest accomplishment this year was potty training! And boy, am I proud of you! I love that your so particular with the underwear and clothes that you want to wear each day, that you can dress yourself from picking out your outfit and putting it on from head to toe, excluding tying your shoes (maybe a new challenge for us this year)

 I'm so proud of the boy you are growing up to be, When you enter a room you shine. Your smile can brighten up anyones day, and your laugh can make even the saddest person smile, You're compassionate, protective (esp. when it comes to me) Your friendly, and one of the most amazing traits you have that I pray you never loose is that your accepting. You dont judge anyone, You see people for who they are, and you love them anyways, and truly want others to be happy. You are a great friend, and such a great student in the classroom at school. You strive to learn, and once you know how to do something, you make it your personal goal to be the best you can be at it. I will NEVER forget your first trip to Disney World. It was truly a magical vacation and seeing your happiness only made me love Disney more. I love to see you with your daddy, it makes my heart so happy. In a world where divorce is expected, most fathers are absent, and  family is no longer important; you are so blessed.

My prayer for you is that you will only know of a life where you are completely surrounded by love. And I promise that I will always comfort you when the harsh world we live in shuts doors in your face, I promise that I will do what I can to make sure that when those doors shut, I will find another door to open for you.  Thank you for already teaching me more about life in these three years than I could ever possibly teach you in a lifetime. Thank you for being more than I could have asked for in a son and thank you for giving me the opportunity to be the luckiest mommy in the world!

Happy Third Birthday my sweet, sweet boy. Always remember that I love you more!

xoxo Mommy

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