Saturday, October 5, 2013

It's finally Fall...Fall = decorating!

I unfortunately live in a state where it feels like it's summer the majority of the year...
AKA no season change. 

So when it comes to Fall in Florida the temp changes,,,
but we rarely see a real season change (leaves turning gold and red ect.) 

So now that it's finally fall,
I'm alllllllll about the fall decor & the pumpkin spice glade
--- I actually started decorating mid September because I honestly couldn't help myself!

This wreath I found at ROSS of all places! Steal of a deal, too! $11

Scored at the Pre season sale at walmart, all smallish pumpkins $2 + decals = Amazing

Of course, with the fall season comes FOOTBALL SEASON! (ugh for my husband at least)

My mom picked up this damask pumpkin at HOBBY LOBBY last year...I fell in love & will never loose this little gem.
The table runner we bought at Ashley furniture last year when we bought a new livingroom set :) 
So Festive right? 

Monday, September 2, 2013

"Because I said so..." - the story of his messy room

Today, my 3 year old decided to trash his room -
for no reason at all.

He took all of his toys out of their bins and threw them everywhere....

I of course asked him to clean it up and reason and bribery didn't work...
30 minutes of whining later, The "because I said so" came into play.

I've come to realize, I'm pretty sure that all mother's are born with that phrase genetically placed into our vocabulary.

Before "because I said so..."

.....And after "because I said so"

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Father's Day

I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection.

Friday, May 24, 2013

May fitness Challenge UPDATE

So here's an update on my May fitness Challenge
 and how I'm doing with the goals I set for myself!

1. No more Soda - Okay totally easier said than done! With that being said I have only had 3 sodas all month, And they were Coke Zero or Sprite, Which is a pretty Big deal since I used to have a soda a day.

2. Drink a gallon of water a day - This is a work in progress! I literally have teeniest tiniest bladder (yay for TMI) so Constantly drinking = me constantly in the bathroom. So whether or not I'm able to drink a whole 128 ounces - I've at least increased my water intake by like 99.9%

3. Do Pilates everyday & 4. Gym 3-4x a week
AGAIN, Totally easier said than done! 
To be honest here, Pilates happens about 4x a week, and gym...That's happening about 2 times a week! I do walk daily, and now that it's warm, we plan to start using our pool :)

5. Drop 10 Pounds! 
Not exactly 10lbs, but I've lost 6lbs and a total of 7inches!

Like I said, this is a work in progress and I'm very proud of myself! 
I will continue with these goals during my June fitness Challenge :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Skinny Margarita Recipe

I'm the kind of girl that likes to sit back, relax and have a drink.. Or Two! But with eating clean and trying to loose weight, a 400 calorie margarita just will not do! So thank you to

I found some pretty amazing "Skinny" Margarita Recipes -- Enjoy ♥

Frozen Strawberry Skinny Margarita
(about 120 calories per serving)

15-10 frozen strawberries 
4 ounces tequila 
1 cup crushed ice
12 ounces sparkling water

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

So back to my blogging! Have an amazing night! ♥

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Motivational Tuesday?

Looking back at pictures motivates me so much and let's me know that I can get back to where I want to be. This is my "skinny". And if I told you how much I weighed here you wouldn't believe it or think it sounded so "skinny". The number on the scale reflects differently on every person, so don't focus on that. Focus on how you look and feel.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Our 2nd Wedding Anniversary

Hubs and I had an AMAZING anniversary! so much fun & romance...and Margaritas! (Can't forget the Margaritas! haha) Thank God for my parents, they took Dev for the night so that Carlos and I would be able to have alone time. Hubs worked the majority of the day, so he got off right in time to drop dev off with my parents and head to dinner. We went to Olive Garden (YUMMY) - had dinner & drinks, then went to see a late showing of Iron Man 3! Let me just say how AMAZINNNNGGGG that movie was!
 And it was pretty sweet because we were the only ones in the theater :)

So enough rambling, here's a sneak peek of our Anniversary! Enjoy! 

Saturday, May 18, 2013

5/19/11: Anniversary Letter to my hubby

Tomorrow marks 2 years, I honestly cannot believe it's been 2 years since we became husband and wife. Before saying anything else, I want you to know that if I had to do it all over, Without any hesitation or doubt, I'd marry you again. Thinking about how fast 2 years has gone by really makes me realize how quickly time and life is passing us by. I feel like it was just yesterday, I was starting at a new school and a cute boy (aka YOU) sat next to me in math class, asking if my contacts were my real eye color because you've never seen such beautiful eyes. I smiled and said, “no their contacts, but I'll take the compliment.” when we should have been paying attention to our teacher, we talked the entire class period, even sitting outside in 35 degree weather 3 hours after school had ended, just talking and getting to know each other. I want you to know, I knew then, that you would be my husband. There was just something about you, and look, I was right. Years later, in what feels like a blink of an eye, you brought me into our brand new home, walked me into our empty bedroom and said, "You know how much I love you, right?" and I answered (suspiciously) "yes?" and you said, "You know that I want our life perfect for us and our baby?" again, I answered "yes." you smiled so sweetly, and got down on one knee, and said "Then will you marry me and spend the rest of your life with me?" I IMMEDIATELY burst into tears...
And of course my answer was "YES!

Walking down the aisle to you, was the surest I had ever felt about anything, knowing that this was it, I'm marrying my best friend, and seeing your face light up as soon as the doors to the chapel opened, I knew you felt it too. Watching tears of love and joy fall from your eyes, as you watched me approach you at the alter, that look of pure happiness and assurance will be something that will stay with me forever. 

(Side note: I think of this exact moment when I'm mad at you.)

I’m lucky to have such a wonderful supportive and loving husband. You really have taught me that its okay to be who I am, no matter if that means being the quirky weirdo that I am. You have always made me feel beautiful, in fact you make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world and you make me believe in myself and make me believe that together we truly can get though anything! Only you can bring a smile to my face with just a few short words, only you can make my heart skip a beat with a certain look, it’s only you that can make me laugh out loud in any situation and only your kisses and hugs will do. The secret to marriage is selflessness, and we've always been about give and take. Maybe that’s why we fit together so well. I know we've had a rough few years, with things not going our way or how we had originally planned, but I’m glad as it’s brought us closer together instead of tearing us apart. Each day our love and marriage grows even stronger than before. 
I feel so lucky, I really did marry my best friend. 

I love you, my dear hubby & happy anniversary...
I can’t wait to see where our lives take us next. 
Love, Me

Monday, May 13, 2013

"For better or worse, but never for granted"

"For better or worse, but never for granted"

Thinking about it today, things between my husband and I haven't always been sunshine and rainbows, we've been through things that could have and should have torn us apart. We both did a lot of praying, Asking God to bring us through this & have strength. God Spoke to us and reminded us of Why we're supposed to be together, That it wasn't by chance, But that God Called us to be together. We are happier now than we ever have been, and we continue to grow in love every day. Of course, All relationships go through Hell but REAL relationships, Get through it Hand & Hand 

We'll be together 7 years this January 
and in 6 days we'll be celebrating 2 years of wedded bliss.

So excuse me while I reminisce.

our first picture together

"You can drive at 16, go to war at 18, drink at 21, and retire at 65. 
So who can say what age you have to be to find your true love?"

....Not too many pics of our wedding, 
I'll be posting those in my anniversary blog :)