Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Inner vs. Outer beauty

Today I was thinking about all the people who have hurt me over the years...I was picked on starting from 1st grade throughout the rest of my childhood and into adulthood. It was the little stuff that turned into big stuff, Hurt feelings turned into low self confidence...2nd grade it was my glasses, then it was rumored about that I had breast implants in the 4th grade, I'm sorry that I developed early & was made fun of for having a chest. I have always been curvy, And was called fat for most of my life. I was once made fun of for being adopted....A girl asked what would make a nice white family pick me, and that it was like settling for  a runt at the pound just because you want a dog. This all caused pain, heartbreak, social problems, low confidence.

But the only thing that I can look back now and say is
 wow, who said anything that wasn't about my outer appearance? No one.
 No one made any negative comments on my personality. 
And do you know why?
 Because I am a beautiful person on the inside, 
and I will not let my outward appearance/flaws define me as a person. 

Enough of my life affirmations, Hope you had a blessed Wednesday!

Peace & Love

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