Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My weightloss journey (thus far)

Let me introduce you to my BEFORE weight gain picture. 
This was a month before I found out I was pregnant with our son.
August 2009
And this would be me at 9 months pregnant.

Okay, you can totally say it....I look like octomom! HAHA 
But hey, I'm only 4'11", there's not much room for all that baby belly!
About 6wks after my beautiful son was born, I went on the dreaded birth control...The Implanon implant in my arm...DUN DUN DUN!!! Within a few months, the weight started packing on...First it was 5lbs (I could live with that) Then 10....15...20....30 pounds on top of the 40lbs I gained with my pregnancy! Well over 200lbs I got up one morning and I looked at myself in the mirror, and I was horrified, I lived behind the mindset, that no matter what I looked like, I was beautiful, So my weight wasn't a problem (Obviously incorrect) That day I didnt know Who was in the mirror looking back at me, I was mortified to see that was what I had become, I'm Young, I'm a nurse, I'm a wife, I'm Most importantly a mother, And I wanted to be proud of that, I saw someone OLD looking, Hurting in pain, Body aching everywhere, I saw someone who didn't care about them self, So that day I Mentally changed my life.

Now, let me show you Myself at my highest weight
aka my most horrific sized pictures!
February 2012  
First picture on Left is my heaviest in 2011, Next two are jan 2012
Just a couple of my BEFORE PICS!

Now, let me show you some progress pictures! (so far)

It felt GREAT to know that FaceBook didn't even recognize me anymore! 

I've been on & off track so far in 2013 with my weight loss and getting healthy. I've had quite a few set backs this year, that have gotten in the way of my Ultimate goal of being a fit mom & wife, but coming across some old pictures from exactly a year ago reminded me why I started & how far I've come already.
 I will push forward :)

Top & bottom L, Before (unhealthy and unhappy)
Top & bottom R, Current (Change in Progress)

Thanks for letting me share my weightloss/life change with you!
Want to hear more? Follow my blog & Check out my FB Page! 

Peace & Love

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